Anjana Mehra
Anjana Mehra has studied both painting and print making and holds degrees from renowned art institutions like the JJ School of Art in Mumbai and MS University in Baroda. She has done a lot of solo exhibitions across the country to critical acclaim and been part of celebrated group shows too.
Her themes dwell upon the plight of the displaced in society, innocent victims of religious and political extremism. These are the casualties of social unrest and communal strife who are represented in the media not as faces but as numbers. Their plight remains hidden behind a wall of statistics that refuses to reveal the immense shifts and compromises forced upon them in their daily routines and ways of life in the wake of communal clashes.
It is this personal and collective anguish of the dispossessed in the face of social disintegration that Anjana seeks to capture in her work as a reminder of the frailty of political systems and social institutions. In this she is as much a keeper of conscience as she is an artist of the highest order.
Anjana Mehra