Madhvi Parekh
The Chains of Time
Madhvi Parekh’s paintings have a deeply personal ring to them. They reflect a subjective landscape made up of childhood memories and fantasies.
Madhvi hails from rural Gujarat and studied art at the prestigious JJ School of Art in Mumbai. Her rural origins have definitely moulded her unique perspective and treatment of subject matter.
She also cites her husband, the renowned painter Manu Parekh, and the contemporary artists Clemente and Paul Klee as her other prominent influences. She has been exhibiting from 1972 and has several solo and group shows to her credit.
Her stylised folk art has won the appreciation of diverse audiences over the years and signal her rural influences. Her compositions offer a flexibility of treatment and stand out for their spontaneity and freshness. Her works have been observed to deal with the theme of emancipation, where her human subjects attempt to free themselves from the tyranny of time.