Vrindavan Solanki
Vrindavan Solanki is an artist with a signature style that is defined by its captivating monochromatic aura. He studied painting and graphics at the famous MS University of Baroda and has won numerous awards including one from the Gujarat Lalit Kala Akademi as early as 1966.
He is noted in art circles as a painter who pursues purity of thought and form with intense passion. Like the Chinese pen and ink calligraphers, whom he admires for their simplicity and clarity, his colour of choice is black. This unusual choice, far from being limiting, makes his canvases glow as if illuminated with an inner light. They have been likened by critics to the magical effect cast upon one by old black and white movies.
His varied artistic oeuvre has been widely exhibited both in India and abroad.
Vrindavan Solanki